Bubble Sort
The best way to practice a new language is to write more programs using that language. Here is a Bubble Sort program written in Swift Programming language.
Data to be sorted = {12, 56, 32, 23, 67, 87, 45, 23,10, 11}
Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort is performed by comparing two number starting from the left and swapping the greater number to the right. And then moves one position to right until end.
Bubble Sort in Swift
This has a function named swapNumbers for swapping the values of array for the given two indexes. Then the for loop that compares the two numbers starting from left to right and uses swapNumbers function to swap the values if the left is greater than right.
var inputArr = [12,56,32,23,67,87,45,23,10,11]
func swapNumbers(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
let temp = inputArr[index1]
inputArr[index1] = inputArr[index2]
inputArr[index2] = temp
for var index: Int = inputArr.count-1; index > 1; --index {
for var jIndex: Int = 0; jIndex < index; ++jIndex {
if inputArr[jIndex] > inputArr[jIndex + 1] {
swapNumbers(jIndex, jIndex+1)
Here is the Swift code tested in Playground, you can see the sorted results in the sidebar