less than 1 minute read

We had covered earlier about the steps required for adding hyperlink and email address in a Word document. Now let us see how to change the default style of hyperlink in Word 2013 and Word 2010.

Step 1: Open the Word 2013 app and select Hyperlink in the Word document.

Step 2: Click the Styles option available under Home menu.

Word 2013 Styles

Step 3: Navigate to Hyperlink in Styles list then select Modify option from the drop down.

Modify Hyperlink Style

Step 4: Now if you want to the change the font used for Hyperlink then click the dropdown under Formatting section and select a suitable font. Similarly you can change Font size, Font Style and Colour.

Modify Style

Changing Hyperlink Font

Modify Hyperlink Font

 Changing Hyperlink Colour

Modify Hyperlink Colour
